Valgrind | Detect and Eliminate Memory Leaks: How to Optimize Performance with Valgrind in Just 8 Minutes

Valgrind Tutorial

Introduction to Valgrind

Valgrind is a powerful open-source tool that can be used for debugging, profiling, and memory analysis of C and C++ programs. Valgrind provides a suite of tools that can detect memory errors, including memory leaks, buffer overflows, and heap corruptions. It can also provide detailed information about memory usage and performance bottlenecks. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Valgrind to detect and fix memory errors in C and C++ programs.

Installing Valgrind

Valgrind is available for Linux and macOS systems. To install Valgrind, you can use your system’s package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can install Valgrind using the following command:

sudo apt-get install valgrind

On macOS, you can install Valgrind using Homebrew:

brew install valgrind

Compiling a Program for Valgrind

Before running a program under Valgrind, you need to compile it with debugging symbols enabled. Debugging symbols provide Valgrind with additional information about the program’s code and data structures, which allows it to provide more detailed information about memory errors.

To compile a program with debugging symbols, use the -g flag with your compiler. For example, to compile a C program named myprog.c, use the following command:

gcc -g myprog.c -o myprog

Running a Program under Valgrind

To run a program under Valgrind, use the valgrind command followed by the name of the program you want to run. For example, to run myprog under Valgrind, use the following command:

valgrind ./myprog

Valgrind will start the program and monitor its memory usage. If the program has any memory errors, Valgrind will detect them and provide detailed information about the errors.

Analyzing Valgrind Output

Valgrind output can be overwhelming at first, but it provides a wealth of information about a program’s memory usage. The output is divided into several sections, each providing different types of information.

The most important section of Valgrind output is the summary, which provides a high-level overview of the program’s memory usage. The summary shows the total number of bytes allocated and freed, as well as the number of memory leaks and errors detected.

Valgrind also provides a detailed list of memory errors, including the location in the code where the error occurred and the size of the memory block involved. The error messages can be cryptic, but they can be very helpful in identifying and fixing memory errors.

To make it easier to analyze Valgrind output, you can use the --leak-check=full option to enable detailed memory leak reporting. This option will provide a more detailed report of memory leaks, including the location in the code where the leak occurred and the size of the leaked memory block.

Valgrind Output Example

Here is an example of Valgrind output for a program that has a memory leak:

==1204== HEAP SUMMARY:
==1204==     in use at exit: 4 bytes in 1 blocks
==1204==   total heap usage: 2 allocs, 1 frees, 1,028 bytes allocated
==1204== 4 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 1
==1204==    at 0x4C2CE93: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==1204==    by 0x40056C: main (leak.c:5)
==1204== LEAK SUMMARY:
==1204==    definitely lost: 4 bytes in 1 blocks
==1204==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1204==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1204==    still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1204==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1204== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==1204== ERROR SUMMARY: 1 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

In this example, the program has a memory leak of 4 bytes, which was allocated using malloc() in line 5 of the program (main (leak.c:5)). The program did not free this memory, causing it to be lost at exit.

Valgrind also provides a summary of the program’s heap usage, including the total number of bytes allocated and freed, as well as the number of memory leaks detected. In this case, the program allocated 1,028 bytes of memory, but only freed 1 block, resulting in a memory leak of 4 bytes.

The LEAK SUMMARY section provides a summary of the memory leaks detected by Valgrind, including the number of bytes lost and the number of blocks involved. In this case, there is one memory leak involving 1 block of 4 bytes.

Fixing Memory Errors

Once you have identified memory errors using Valgrind, the next step is to fix them. The most common memory errors are memory leaks, which occur when memory is allocated but not freed, and buffer overflows, which occur when a program writes past the end of an allocated memory block.

To fix memory leaks, you need to ensure that all allocated memory is freed before the program exits. This can be done by tracking all memory allocations and ensuring that they are matched with corresponding free() calls. If the program is too complex to manually track all allocations and frees, you can use tools such as smart pointers, garbage collectors, or memory management libraries to automate memory management.

To fix buffer overflows, you need to ensure that all memory accesses are within the bounds of allocated memory blocks. This can be done by using safe programming practices such as bounds checking, range checking, and defensive programming.

Advanced Valgrind Usage

Valgrind provides several advanced features that can be used to analyze and optimize memory usage and performance.

One such feature is the ability to generate call graphs, which can be used to visualize the program’s function calls and the relationships between them. To generate a call graph, use the --callgrind-out-file option followed by a file name, and then run the program under Valgrind. Valgrind will generate a call graph in a format that can be viewed using tools such as KCachegrind or QCacheGrind.

Another useful feature of Valgrind is the ability to simulate different memory allocation policies, such as first-fit, best-fit, and worst-fit. To simulate a different allocation policy, use the --malloc-fill and --free-fill options followed by a fill value. Valgrind will then simulate memory allocation using the specified policy and provide detailed information about the memory usage and fragmentation.

Using Valgrind to Monitor the Memory Usage of Sub-Processes

Valgrind is a powerful tool for detecting memory errors in C and C++ programs, but it can also be used to monitor the memory usage of sub-processes. This is especially useful when you have a parent process that initiates sub-processes via the exec system call and you want to monitor the memory usage of all the sub-processes. Here, we will explore how to use the --trace-children option in Valgrind to monitor the memory usage of sub-processes.

What is –trace-children?

The --trace-children option in Valgrind tells Valgrind to follow child processes and monitor their memory usage. This option is useful when you have a parent process that initiates multiple sub-processes via the exec system call and you want to monitor the memory usage of all the sub-processes. (Note that Valgrind does trace into the child of a fork, because fork makes an identical copy of a process.)

How to use –trace-children

To use the --trace-children option, simply add it to the Valgrind command line when you run your program. For example, suppose you have a program called parent that forks a child process called child. You can run the parent process under Valgrind with the --trace-children option like this:

valgrind --trace-children=yes ./parent


Valgrind is a powerful tool that can be used to detect and fix memory errors in C and C++ programs. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can use Valgrind to identify memory errors, analyze memory usage, and optimize performance. Remember to always compile your program with debugging symbols enabled, run it under Valgrind, and analyze the output carefully to ensure that your program is free of memory errors.


Hello! I'm a Quantum Computing Scientist based in Silicon Valley with a strong background in software engineering. My blog is dedicated to sharing the tools and trends I come across in my research and development work, as well as fun everyday anecdotes.

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